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Ways You Can Support LCT

From sponsor to volunteer, every part matters.

Image by Josh Appel

Make a Donation

Want to join our efforts but not sure where to start? Make a Donation and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to lend your support. It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and every little bit counts towards providing quality entertainment and education through the performing arts. Get in touch with us today for more details about how you can help.

Sponsor a Show

Our sponsors and co-producers are the lifeblood of our productions. Your support helps build our shows, pay our artists and provide the cultural and performing arts to our community.  As part of your sponsorship, your business will receive many benefits, including being featured in our advertisements including regional commercials, and is a tax write off. You also get VIP treatment and choice seats to our major events.

Theater Lights

Advertise With Us

Advertising with LCT is a cost-effective way to reach a wide variety of new customers while showing your commitment to the arts in Lubbock.  We have various levels of support to fit all budgets.  Get in touch with us on how we can help build a comprehensive package to fit your needs and abilities.

Volunteer Your Time

Whether its on stage, behind the scenes, helping to build, paint, usher, or clean, we NEED YOU. Our volunteers help to contribute to the great work we do at Lubbock Community Theatre. Get in touch with any questions about how you can Volunteer Your Time today.

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